Tuesday, June 24, 2008


After a heads-up from my friend Ally, I arranged to get myself to Ann Arbor, Michigan to see and meet the wonderful Alex Anderson, Quilt Ambassador Extraordinaire and former host of HGTV's Simply Quilts. She gave a chatty and entertaining talk, sharing her lifetime of sewing and quilting with us, and then graciously spent several hours meeting us all and signing her books. Alex Anderson signed my book! We chatted! I met a famous quilter!!

Then I bought a whole bunch of fabric and ate some pie. Then I came home. All in all, I'd say that was a pretty great way to spend the day, wouldn't you?

(That thing in my hand is a photo album of some of my quilts, and I held it up because there is a photo of my daughter on the cover, and I wanted her to be in the picture. She's a quilter, too.)


Michelle said...

Just think - someday people will line up for hours to chat with you and you can be starstruck about yourself!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same thing as michelle. Pretty soon people will be lining up to spend a moment with the reknowned quilter, Johanna.

Johanna Masko said...

You guys are too nice!!

Alessandra Collar Lipman said...

Wasn't that a fun day? I loved having the chance to visit with you, and shop, and pie... Let's do it again!

Unknown said...

if you're going to be famous, you need to have your name on your craft room door....or your desk, wait, sewing table...

quilt, pie and shopping - all good :-)

love the remake on the website - very nice!