Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Enabler

Me to Nancy: I did a little experimenting with crochet cotton to see how it handles for hand-quilting. I've used hand-dyed perle cottons before, and I really love the effect. Anyway, it works great! And it's so cheap, Nancy. I can get a huge ball of it at Zeller's for three bucks!

Nancy: Well, you know, I have a bunch of it that I'm just not going to use, so you're welcome to have a look...

Me: Are you really sure you're not going to use it? Come on, Nancy- you make lots of stuff!

Nancy: I have LOT of it, Johanna. You're more than welcome to it. Take as much as you want...

Oh, the shame...

1 comment:

Claire Louise Milne said...

I have a variegated green one set aside for you (I think it may be just like the one in the picture). I'm grateful if people will take things and help me pare down my out-of-control stash..